August 22, 2013

Second Chances

This is a quick post tonight - but I hope it finds everyone doing well!  I want to write about second chances.  I've been thinking about that a lot this week.  On Tuesday night I went to the gym, hopped on the treadmill, and approximately 1.5 minutes into my run said "forget it, I'll be back later".  And you know what - 2.5 hours later - I was back and rocked through the workout no problem.

Second chances!  The last week or so has found me doing some shopping and enjoying Charleston.  Looking forward to time with the big guy tonight.  Hope that everyone is doing well - and remember - give yourselves some second chances :-)

Ooh la la pictures courtesy of the Gap :)



August 10, 2013

Farmer's Market Saturday & Paleo Nuggets

Hope everyone's doing well - it's been a busy week and I'm continuing to enjoy the 5K training. Today I visited Charleston's Farmer's Market.  While the view was lovely, the Market itself was...

Dissapointing?  When I arrived I was kind of bummed that there weren't more, I don't know, farmers? In fact, I'd estimate that 70% of the stands were either hot food (i.e. burgers, gyros, etc.) to eat on the spot or items to buy.  Granted, most of the items for purchase were hand made or crafted - but it still wasn't the farmer-like environment I had anticipated. 

I did find a great stand where I picked-up some broccoli, sweet potatoes, and blueberries.  I thought it was very sweet that they added in a jalapeno.  What I loved most about the stand I visited was that they accepted cash and WIC.

My favorite non-food find, were these paintings.  The one with the three sisters was definitely the winner, but I love this Charleston one too.  I haven't seen paintings like this, where the artist intentionally "paints outside the lines" onto the matting and frame.  I love that.

This morning I also visited one of my favorite stores, Anthropologie.  Look closely and you'll see some chairs - one of my sister's name's all over them. A little spray paint and I could take care of the other one.  Granted, they probably cost.. $$$$  But so cute.

Winner winner chicken dinner of this week -- literally -- has been my BFF Caitlin's paleo chicken nuggets and sweet potato fries.  Pictures below, I am in heaven.  SO GOOD!!! Visit her blog for the recipe - I prepared both exactly as she suggested in the recipe and they came out amazing.  Enjoy!

Tomorrow morning I'm going for a beach run with my friend from high school!! Oh so excited to see her and catch up. Hope that you all are doing wonderful!  Have a great weekend.

XO Madeleine


August 4, 2013

Great Weekend + Up Band!

First - thanks for everyone's kind words on Facebook about my bad run- I really appreciated it and it helped me get back on my feet! Not gonna lie - Thursday, Friday of last week was rough. My Mom came by on Saturday with some words of encouragement in the driveway - and let me just say - it made all the difference (thanks Mom!).

After Wednesday's run sparked some allergies, I had been treating it with a mix of Allegra and Benadryl.  But on Saturday, I just took a non-drowsy Claritin before I ran.  Since then, I haven't needed any allergy medication.

Saturday's run was great.  It was identical to Wednesday's intervals and I completed ALL running segments at a 10 minute mile/6 MPH pace (woohoo!).  It was one of those runs where I felt like a bunch of industrial cogs all in motion - everything was perfect - I love runs like that.

I went for another run on Sunday and this time I walked 5, ran 2, walked 2, ran 3, walked 3, ran 3, walked 3, ran 2, walked 2 and cooled down with a 5 minute walk.  I kept a 10 minute mile pace for my runs (yay!) - but I will say that it didn't feel as "easy" as Saturday's. 

BEST SURPRISE OF THE WEEKEND!!  My parents got me an Up Band - I absolutely love it.  I can tell you first hand, this is the coolest thing ever and it has really upped my game.

Here are some pics highlighting my favorite features - I really love how easy it is to set-up, the sleep monitor, and the summary screen. 

I definitely pushed myself today to get to 100% with the steps.  At first I wasn't sure about the food part- but the more I use it the more I like it.  Much less restrictive than Weight Watchers.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  What apps do you use to stay fit?

Best love! Madeleine

P.S. Sending out some birthday love :-) xoxo