May 21, 2012

A milestone day

Today was truly a milestone day!  For the first time since breaking my foot in December 2010 (almost 18 months ago), I completed my first 5k.  So many times I've gone to the gym, and 'wimped out' after 1.2 miles.  The furthest I've run until today was somewhere between 1.7 and 2 miles.  As I ran I thought of my Uncle Bill who completed a Marathon (26.2 miles!) yesterday. I also thought of my friend Richard who inspires us all with his blog, Now let's see if I can do it again.


May 9, 2012

just checking in

It's been a while since my last post and I'm long over due for checking in.  Hope this finds everyone doing well! Spring has officially sprung in Charleston.  We have been busy celebrating birthdays and enjoying the beach.  Extremely proud of my Club 400 - currently living in the back seat of my Toyota Corrolla. 

These last few months have had their ups and downs.  Very sad especially saying good bye to my Grandpa who we love and miss.  Lately, we have been enjoying family time with my sister in Charleston and are excited to see my other sister this summer! 

At the request of a friend, I recently took-up sewing clothes.  Granted, he is still waiting on his robe, but we picked out some great fabric.